
How to write the cover page of a thesis?

2021-06-25 15:16


How to write the cover page of a thesis?

The layout of a thesis is a determining part of the preparation of a thesis defense. If the content of the thesis is considered to be the body of the

The layout of a thesis is a determining part of the preparation of a thesis defense. If the content of the thesis is considered to be the body of the document, the layout is its face. It is this face that the members of the jury will examine first and which will serve as the first impression. Each element of a brief has its place and its importance. The cover page of a thesis is an integral part of the document and plays a key role in it.


What is a cover page?

As in printing, the cover page is a blank page that comes immediately after the cover page and precedes the title page. This blank page is reserved for the jury to write annotations and remarks during the defense of the thesis.


Is the cover page mandatory or optional? What is it for ?

Although it is a blank page, the cover page plays an essential role in a brief.

To better understand its usefulness, paper writing service advice you to know that during the defense of a thesis: there is the presentation part of the thesis and the intervention part of the jury and the defense. During the intervention and defense part, the jury takes the floor by making remarks and comments on the applicant's work and by asking him questions. It is during the defense that the jury uses the cover page to note the remarks, comments and points to be raised that the latter deems relevant.

Basically, this is the part of the document intended for the jury's reaction during the defense as an aide-memoire.


Where to place a cover page?

Typically, the cover page is a blank sheet slipped between the cover page and the title page. It is the cover page which begins the pagination of the document. From a practical point of view, this place suits him best since the jury can easily find him when he wants to take notes.


How to write a cover page?

A memory cover page is not to be written but to be inserted quite simply since it is a blank page. Even though it is just a blank sheet, it is a key part of the document.

Do not confuse what is: cover page, and title page!


Most of the time, my paper writer don't confuse the cover page, the cover page and the title page and are often misled. However, these three elements of the document each have their place and their role to play.


The cover page is the first page of the document. This page contains the key information about the thesis . On this page is mentioned the basic information about the study that the student has done (University, Department, Specialization), the degree prepared, the title of the thesis, the name of the student and the academic year.


The title page, with one exception near the cover page, mentions the names of the members of the jury.


The cover page, except in the event of abuse of language, remains blank and is only used during the defense during the defense.

It is advisable to find out beforehand about the procedures to follow for the presentation of the thesis from the school library to ensure that the rules are followed correctly and to avoid any repercussions that could have on the final grade


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For practical reasons and for aesthetics, the number of the cover page must not be visible on the document.


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